Showing posts with label bus station. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bus station. Show all posts

Sunday 28 April 2019

The metaphysical bus company

To would-be passengers waiting in the bus station with no knowledge of the world outside (no doubt plugged into their phones for safe keeping from whatever reality might be) the arrival of their bus would appear an event occurring without any antecedent cause. "Oh look!", says Davey Hume, "There's my bus! See, I told you it was a logical possibility".

I believe Margot pressed the button on the camera which resulted in this image being formed by some process beyond my very limited ken.

The Weekend in Black and White is here.

Friday 24 March 2017

Once again, from the top, with feeling

... and here's the bus station again, sorry, Hull Interchange, from the top of the bus. You can see how they just borrowed a bit of the rail station and parked buses up against it. As I've mentioned before buses have to reverse with passengers on board, something which, according to a well and truly pissed off bus driver, happens in no other bus station in the country and is illegal on a public road but, ha ha ha,  this is private property so it's OK.

Friday 14 October 2016

Left behind

Even the litter has a certain sculptural quality to it here in the City of Culture ...

The weekend in black and white is here.